Friday, April 15, 2005


"Manners and etiquette are for those who cannot be real".

Charles is an interesting character. I don't think I could ever have written or conceived a personality like his. He always comes back with comments that make you think. I'm not sure that I agree with this one today...but I do find it fascinating. So, I thought I'd explore it a little bit.

Manners: social conduct or rules of conduct as shown in the prevalent customs

Etiquette: the conduct or procedure required by good breeding or prescribed by authority to be observed in social or official life

The common word in definition is "conduct", which makes sense. Basically an accepted way of acting towards others. I know that I disagree with his statement. It's the content that tells you how real or disillusioned someone might be. However, I think what Charles was getting at is that people get caught up in what is proper or polite. Those people have a hard time being real. For example I still have a hard time letting my mother know that I disagree with her. I've spent too much time dancing on eggshells around her that I sometimes wonder if I've let her get to know the 'real' me. What a disservice to people. And what an art form; learning how to be real and proper at the sametime. A lost art for many. I wonder if society just thought that it wasn't worth it? Or maybe there should just be a balance between social continuity and not being afraid to rock the boat occasionally. I look at today's culture and think that we rock the boat too much. Everything we do or say has to be so shocking. I wonder if we'll sink this ship.


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