Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Another Mundane Tuesday

Today was a day full of school and home.
No, seriously, with one, one errand in between:

7:10am~Write for Eng 202 class and Print doc
8:25am~Drive to school
9:00am~Sit through Eng 202 class
10:45am~Drive back home
11:15am~Cook and Eat lunch
1:00pm~Attempt to start and finish impromptu 3x5 cards
2:15pm~Drive back to school, I'm already late
2:30pm~Sit through Speech/Debate
4:25pm~Leave early/Drive back home
4:45pm~Call seamstress
5:00pm~Drive to seamstress and get dress altered
5:15pm~Watch "Beautiful People"
6:30pm~Drive to meet Debate Team for dinner at Panera Bread
8:00pm~Drive to team members house for practice
10:00pm~Arrive home to post here

See, school and home and a lot of driving everywhere. This is not conserving my gas or my pocketbook. Oh well, can't change today, I'll change the future instead.

<--today's soundtrack:
He's amazing, really. And hot. But that is beside the point. Actually, is he hot because he's amazing or amazing because he's hot? Hmmm, what makes a man...errrr...person attractive?
Also, he's difficult to sing with when you don't know all the words yet, he's difficult to sing with when you do sometimes too. Who knew people can sing that fast and still be singing...wow. Like I said, amazing.
"Jason, will you be my date to Ma'J's wedding?"

I really like my debate team. They are a great group of people and I think getting to know them this year will be pretty interesting. I use that word because in any group drama eventually forms, although, so far we don't see any. Which is a good sign.
I debated tonight for the first time ever. Well not ever, Ben and I have been debating for 8 years, but this was my first formal debate.

today's compliment: "Oh my God! Hell yea!!" ~Asst Student Coach, Jason in reference to just watching four novice debaters fight it out for the first time.

It felt really good to get the first attempt out of the way. Now I don't feel so self-conscious and I know I can do this, 'cause well, I just did. I might even be good at it. I look forward to honing my debating skills. All you that like to debate/argue with me, look out, I'm about to get way better!!!!


Blogger Johnny said...

Aha, wouldn't teleportation be nice? No more gas prices or people who don't drive how you like. Although I still have a feeling you'd be late now and then still, or people who teleport unlike you, or as you call it "wrong" heh...

And I don't plan on debating you, I'll be on your side if you want though, heh. I've done some debating in my time.. Which is tons less than your time of course. There's two sides to that, how about taking the compliment side to your debating experience, and leaving the "you're lots older than me" side alone, yeah? ^_^X;

5:45 PM, September 07, 2005  

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