Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Why Wednesday

~won't my sound work?
~don't I have an audio device on my computor?
~do I have to reinstall everything?
~is my internet being slow?
~am I not hungry today?
~do I not have any money in my account?

~do I give driving lessons to other drivers, including myself, while driving?
~was I chasing the sun down today?
~did the sun win?
~did Jessyca not meet me at the beach?
~didn't her phone ring when I called her?
~was I driving 30 miles out of my way to get to her house?
~am I not a professional dancer?
~is my paper not finished yet?

Ok, I'm done with the Why sounds too much like I'm whining. I'm trying not to whine anymore.

This guy, Adrine, talked to me today after our CINE 125 class. He's really cool. He knows more about the technical side of film and I know more about the directoral side. I kinda hope we get put on the same team. He seems like he would be fun to work with. Anyway, when we parted ways we went for the handshake but then he initiated a hug, saying something about being a hugger or something. But not wierd, totally sincere, it was really sweet. Made my day. In fact that was my HIGH for the day.
My LOW was missing the sunset. I tried to hard to get there before, but the marine layer out there on the horizon hid the sunset from my view, Lame.

That's it today, I'm tired, I'm going home, I want to sleep next to my kitty.


Blogger Johnny said...

A question that is seldom answered, often asked, and sparks art in all forms. I could help you with half of those, but you don't employ me as a personal computer tech, and judging by the 6th why, that's not happening any time soon : P

5:38 PM, September 07, 2005  
Blogger Shanon said...

HAHAHA..johnny, that's just mean/ Hey princess jenni, this is just a hoot...GO SEE THE BROTHERS GRIMM! it's funny. i'm planning on seeing red eye...although i may have to see it twice to get the plot. I'm going to email you because there's something majorly important that I MUST communicate to you and get feedback on, so be expecting that!
kisses to you and a rub behind the ears for gatsby.

3:12 PM, September 08, 2005  

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