Wednesday, August 17, 2005

What the heck!

Oh my gosh, why is it 0'dark thirty something?!?!?!? How do I do this, get on the internet and start looking something up and think, oh, I should get this done too...and the next thing you's way past your bedtime? But hey, I'm not even sleepy. I blame it on the Tuxedo Mocha that I had with Jessy tonight. Thanks girl! And thanks for the Claim Jumper too, you really lifted my spirits. But don't get mad...I never did practice the guitar tonight...I got stuck on here.
***But everyone check out the 'Stuff I Want' thingy on my sidebar. Awesome isn't?!***
*sending subliminal message* "buy me something!"
Compliments I have recieved recently:
~ I met this girl the otherday that looks just like you, very pretty, you have a twin running arround.
~ I saw something in you Sunday that I have never seen before. I saw the potential for you to be a great leader.
*I will add more as I remember them, it's getting early...


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